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The Hellfield Archive
Setup Your System To Use The Archive
Bootstrap hellfield-archive-keyring
To bootstrap hellfield-archive-keyring (i.e., Hellfield's Apt-Key), do something like:
cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ wget YOUR_CODENAMES_STABLE_DOWNLOAD_URL_FROM_SELECTOR_ABOVE apt-get update apt-get --yes --allow-unauthenticated install hellfield-archive-keyring apt-key finger
You should check that the archive's key fingerprint is actually BFA7D65CF3C8A6C517AFBBC8C0C12A3404253839 (also see the clearsigned fingerprint, which you could check against debian-keyring).
Add the Apt Sources You Need
Just use the selector above to select what sources you need; it's recommended to add one file per apt line under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, using wget or such on the download URLs (but you may also, for example, just cut and paste one hellfield.list together).
- Don't use the ablg repository -- unless you know exactly why you need to (last generation a.k.a. support for deprecated software only).
- Always add suite "stable" to be sure you can install the archive's keyring package.
- [mini-buildd 1.0.x] The sources lists as installed by the "hellfield-archive-keyring" package can't be used (it uses the local intranet URLs only).
- All (Debian and Ubuntu) dists have the resp. "official" "*-backports" distribution as extra dependency; i.e., additionally add that resp. source to your system in case you cannot satisfy all dependencies.
- All suites are set to NotAutomatic + ButAutomaticUpgrades, except for "experimental", which is NotAutomatic only.
Notes on Stuff you may find here
For the most part, you will find a lot of Backports from Debian here; so in case Debian Backports support is not enough, the adventurer might have a look here.
Then, I use it also for some personal projects for snapshotting/testing support, and/or to easily multiplex packages versions across distributions so they are available for more people.
As for QA: If you stick to the stable suites, you will get packages quality that I would describe as "actually does work/has worked for me", but not much more ;). Use at your own risk...
Stable support for wheezy, snapshot support for selected other distrubutions.
mythtv jessie ports
Unfortunately, mythtv still did not make it? into Debian.
Here you will find ports of mythtv based on Christian Marillat's packages, albeit with no dependencies on the multimedia archive.
There are also still wheezy ports available, but I have dropped updating for them about ~2016.
xfce 4.10 wheezy port
The easiest way to completely upgrade is (but this will pull in all upgrades, not just xfce4):
apt-get -t wheezy-ab-stable dist-upgrade
For a selective upgrade, these lines work quite well:
apt-get -t wheezy-ab-stable install xfce4 apt-get -t wheezy-ab-stable install xfce4-goodies apt-get -t wheezy-ab-stable install $(dpkg --get-selections | grep --invert-match 'xfce4-util' | grep -e 'xfce4' -e 'xfwm' -e 'xfburn' -e 'xfconf' -e 'xfcegui' -e 'libexo' -e 'libgarcon' -e 'thunar' -e 'mousepad' -e 'ristretto' -e 'xfce-keyboard-shortcuts' | cut -f1)